Concealed Carry License TX
Big Iron Concealed Handgun License to Carry Classes LTC CHL
License to Carry Training Texas LTC CHL

Customer Testimonial

Your help, patience, and kindness are greatly appreciated. It was exactly what I needed because I had no idea what I had gotten myself into! Your class was very informative and enhanced by your common-sense applications. I share with others that the goal is to stop and not to kill. Your presentation made an impact and I am always recommending you to people I know. I have even recommended you to people I come across at the gun counter at Academy or at Wal Mart buying bullets. If you ever wonder how effective you are at preparing your students for the responsibility of carrying a handgun, take it from this little old school marm----you do a great job!


P.S. ...and I thought you were going to be a real hard-ass when I first saw you!

Mary Cortez
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Concealed handgun and License to Carry classes servicing all areas of Texas.
Copyright Big Iron CHL 2007